Worship Ministry/423 Praise Band

Worship Ministry/423 Praise Band

23 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.  John 4:23


The Worship Ministry at Sunnybrook is a team of believers that are called not only to worship the Lord but to facilitate the worship experience, and carry the burden of the worship life of Sunnybrook Church.  Music is one of the most significant elements of worship at Sunnybrook. Visit on a Sunday or Wednesday and you’ll find yourself in a thoughtfully crafted contemporary worship experience that serves to prepare people for God’s Word and give voice to our response to Him. We don’t expect everyone who visits Sunnybrook to like the style of music played. For some it’s too loud, and for some it’s not loud enough,  but we hope everyone will come to appreciate that what we do is earnest and passionate worship as a community. Our repertoire is carefully and prayerfully chosen by our worship leader and ranges from the most current contemporary worship songs to new arrangements of traditional hymns.


The Worship Ministry & team exists to minister to the Lord through praise and worship, to encourage and lead the congregation into the presence of the Lord, and to facilitate and create an atmosphere where the presence of the Lord can dwell. Our goal is to lead people into the manifest presence of the Lord.

What We Do

The worship band is a team of musicians who serve Sunnybrook Church by leading it in worship through music. As a ministry, we’re more than just a band. We believe God is our audience and our mission is to create a safe environment where people can encounter God and respond to Him. Therefore, our measure of success is not merely in how good we sound (although we believe that’s important too!), but whether we and those attending Sunday services are being led into an ever deepening communion with God.

Why Participate In This Ministry?

If you have a heart to see others come together with the Lord in worship, if you have a burden for the worship life of Sunnybrook, if you are a worshiper and you are called to serve in the area of praise and worship, and if you can sing, then the Worship Ministry is for you!

We’re always on the lookout for passionate and teachable singers, musicians, and sound engineers to join our team.

What Is 423 Praise Band, And What Does It Mean?

The 423 Praise Band is the name of the praise and worship team for Sunnybrook Church.  The 423 comes from John 4:23 which says 23 “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. “.  Yes, 423 is also our area code for the Tri-cities area which also helped us come up with the name.  The 423 Praise Band is also available to book for other churches and events as time allows.  Please contact Worship Pastor Caylon for information.

How Can Participants Get Involved?

Please contact our Worship Pastor Caylon directly for more information and opportunities to get involved with the Worship Ministry at Sunnybrook or see us in person during one of our Sunday or Wednesday services.